Vicki Meldrum’s Sweater Square
@2002 Vicki Designs
(Pattern may be used for your personal use, but may not be sold or reproduced without the consent of the designer.)
Pattern A:
Row 1: P1, T2, P1
Row 2: K1, P2, K1
Rpt these two rows for pattern
Pattern B:
Row 1: P2, K8, P2
Row 2: K2 P8, K2
Row 3: P2,C8B, P2
Row 4: K2, P8, K2
Row 5-10: Rpt Rows 1 & 2 three times
Row 11: P2, C8F, P2
Row 12: K2, P8, K2
Row 13-16: Rpt Row 1 & 2 twice
Rpt these 16 rows for pattern
Pattern C:
Row 1: K 12
Row 2: P 12
Row 3: CB6, CF6
Row 4: P12
Row 5-8: Rpt row 1 & 2 twice
Row 9: CF6, CB6
Row 10: P12
Row 11-12: Rpt Rows 1 & 2
Rpt these 12 rows for pattern
Stitch Glossary: PM = Place Marker
CB6: slip next 3 stitches to cable needle and hold in back of work, knit next 3 sts from left hand needle, knit 3 stitches from cable needle.
CBF: As above, but hold cable needle in front of work
T2: K2 stitches tog leaving both on the needle knit the first stitch again and then drop both stitches from needle.
Size 5 needles, CO 38 stitches and work K1, P1 rib for 6 rows increasing 4 sts evenly across the last row.
Next row: Work Pat A over 4 sts, PM, Work Pat B over 12 sts, PM, Work Pat C over 12 sts, PM, Work Pat B over 12 sts, PM, Work Pat A over 4 sts.
Continue working patterns until piece measures 4 ½" from beginning ending with WS row.
Armholes: Dec 1 st each side every other row 3 times. Work in patterns until armhole is 1½ inches.
Neck shaping: Work 13 sts, join new ball of yarn and BO center 12 stitches, work to end. Then working both sides at the same time K1 row, p1 row, K1 row and BO. Fold SS rows to back and sew down.
Neck ribbing: Pick up 12 stitches on neck edge and work K1 P1 rib for 3 rows and BO.
Sleeves: Pick up and K 8 sts and work Seed Stitch for 2 inches. Then dec 1 st each side and work until 3 inches from beginning. Then work 3 rows K1, P1 ribbing DECREASING one stitch each side on the first row. BO.
CO 48 with size 9 needles
Work 4 rows in garter stitch. Then work in st st with a garter stitch border over 5 sts. Work until square is 10 " from beginning. Work 4 rows of garter stitch and BO.
Sew sweater to square leaving the bottom of the cuffs and the top of the neck open.